Bill Lambdin

my misspent youth


in montreal in ‘71

i bought some shitty

acid, mostly speed


i was sitting around

w/ some people, drink-

ing labatt’s & this french


guy saw i was smoking

gitanes & asked me if

i cd please give him


one to smoke & i sd

it was my last one &

he sd, “cd you please


give it to me any-

way?”, so i did &

i spent the rest of


the night sitting in

a chair, speeding w/

no cigarettes, read-


ing a paperback

copy of desolation

angels i found & list-


ening to him fuck-

ing his girlfriend

in the next room



 blind willie’s blues

 dog’s weather

 gone, like a sad old candle

 shutting down

 Bill Lambdin: Artist Statement

 Bill Lambdin: Bio     

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