Jessica Cogar


A squeal of brakes. / Or is it a birth cry? 
=========—Sylvia Plath


I was the only one in the car. All at once I was not in the car, I was driving my mother’s car down the onramp I could drive with my eyes closed—could you tell me what happened?—I was driving with my eyes closed, I must have been. I remember the screaming, I must have been hurt, I had to get out of the car         all at once I was driving my mother’s car on an on ramp I could drive with my eyes closed and my eyes were closed—could you tell me what happened?—it was the radio, I was trying to change the song      I’m sorry: I didn’t ask to be born, to rail against the seatbelt—could you tell me what happened?—I called my mother instead of my father and she knew before she picked up the phone. All at once I was not in the car and someone was screaming. My eyes were open and the car was driving me and I was my mother, trying to change the station to escape the static. Could you tell me what happened? I was driving. I can’t remember the song that was playing. My mother was there.


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Jessica Cogar

Summer Study

What I Am Trying to Tell You Is