Published Author Index

Front profile of Kristin Abraham with short blonde hair wearing an off-white paisley blouse.
Kristin Abraham
Brent Amenyro front profile with black hair and beard wearing a black t-shirt and jeans sitting in a lawn chair with green foliage in the background.
Brent Ameneyro
Dark front profile of X.C. Atkins with a black shadowing beard wearing a black beanie cap and blurred background.
X.C. Atkins
Front profile of Mary Jo Bang with short dark hair and black rimmed glasses wearing a black t-shirt.
Mary Jo Bang

Barnett, Summer. Parable of the Tares | Volume 20 | 2024

Beach, Dalanie. Unreadable: The Complexity of Nonbinary Embodiment | Volume 20 | 2024

Front profile of Dalanie Beach with short brown hair wearing a gray collared shirt with a maroon tie.
Dalanie Beach

Becker, Rachel. The day after the last school shooting | Volume 20 | 2024

Profile of CooXooEii Black sitting in a chair with long black braided hair wearing white t-shirt black pants and black shoes.
CooXooEii Black
Profile of Tria Blu Wakpa with long brown hair wearing a yellow shirt standing in front of a wooden fence.
Tria Blu Wakpa

Boris-Schacter, Sheryl. The Dinner Table | Volume 20 | 2024

Front profile of Sandra Bottinelli with shoulder length brown hair wearing a light orange shirt.
Sandra Bottinelli

Bramblett, Ayla. art for The Nature of Alaska ; art for Self-Portraits | Volume 20 | 2024

Front profile of Ayla Bramblett with long dark hair and eyes posing on a street.
Ayla Bramblett

Braun, James. Strays | Volume 20 | 2024

Front profile of Gerri Brightwell with short brown hair standing in front of trees.
Gerri Brightwell
Front profile of Amiah Brown standing in a street with short black hair wearing a white blouse.
Amiah Brown
Side black and white profile of Abraham Burickson with combed back dark hair and short trimmed beard.
Abraham Burickson
Front profile of J.T. Bushnell with graying short hair wearing a collared checkered shirt.
J.T. Bushnell
Front profile of Bonnie Jo Campbell with long sandy blonde hair and blue eyes wearing a red collared shirt.
Bonnie Jo Campbell
Mary Capello front profile with short dark hair and black rimmed glasses sitting on red chair with chin in palm, smiling.
Mary Cappello
Front profile of Robin Carstensen                     with shoulder length dark hair wearing a light purple blouse.
Robin Carstensen
Front black and white profile of Peter Caws with gray hair and glasses wearing a suit.
Peter Caws
Front profile of James Cicatko with dark brown hair and glasses wearing a gray collared shirt.
James Cicatko
Front black and white profile of Adam Clay wearing a dark hoodie in a room as the background.
Adam Clay

Congo, Tess. A Performance for Future | Volume 20 | 2024

Front profile of Tess Congo with long brown hair and blue eyes standing in front of a paisley background.
Tess Congo

Cooper, Garry. Lighthouse Tender | Volume 20 | 2024

Front profile of Caroline Crew with long dark brown hair wearing white rimmed glasses and black blouse posing in front of a black background.
Caroline Crew
Side profile of Laura Da` with short brown hair wearing a purple collared jacket standing in front of trees.
Laura Da’
Front profile of Jim Daniels with gray hair wearing a black t-shirt with a tree in the background.
Jim Daniels
Side profile of Mia Grace Davis with shoulder length blonde hair wearing a white blouse and foliage in the background.
Mia Grace Davis
Front profile of Tracy DeBrincat with short black hair wearing a plum-colored shirt.
Tracy DeBrincat
Front profile of Emma DePanise with long brunette hair and dark rimmed glasses wearing a white shirt and a brick wall in the background.
Emma DePanise
Side profile of Nandini Dhar with black waving hair and dark rimmed glasses wearing a brown vest over a black and white shirt.
Nandini Dhar
Side profile of Arn Donovan with pink hair wearing a black t-shirt and pink flowers in the background.
Aran Donovan
Front profile of Denise Duhamel with long blonde hair pulled over to one side wearing a black blouse and the ocean in the background.
Denise Duhamel
Front Profile of Joanna Eleftheriou with long brown hair wearing a white collared shirt and gray suit jacket with foliage in the background.
Joanna Eleftheriou

Elrod, Anna Sandy. Cento for the Hungry | Volume 20 | 2024

Emilio, Gregory. Regarding the Wine-Dark Sea | Volume 20 | 2024

Front black and white profile of John Estes with dark hair wearing a dark shirt and a gray background.
John Estes
Front profile of Leah Falk with short brown hair and dark rimmed glasses wearing a black long sleeve shirt and rust colored pants and a bridge in the background.
Leah Falk
Side profile of Damon Falke with graying hair and goatee wearing a blue collared shirt covered with a beige jacket and a dark shadow background.
Damon Falke

Fisher, Karen. The Bright Suns and the Dark Suns | Volume 20 | 2024

Front profile of Wendy Fox with long light brown hair pulled over to one side and clear rimmed glasses wearing a black shirt and a pool in the background.
Wendy Fox
Front profile of Laverne Frith wearing a blue collared shirt and a bluish gray background.
Laverne Frith
Front profile of Kara Garbe Balcerzak with light brown shoulder length                    hair wearing a gray shirt and a sandstone block wall in the background.
Kara Garbe Balcerzak
Front profile of Vince Gatton with dark brown hair wearing a light brown shirt and a black background.
Vince Gatton

Gay, Makayla. Excerpt from 300-Question Personality Test to Give to Potential Egg Donors to See if They Have the Right Kind of Personality to be passed on to other People’s Children | Volume 20 | 2024

Side profile of Carmen Gimenez with short wavy black hair wearing a white collared shirt and a light purple background.
Carmen Gimenéz
Front profile of Elizabeth Gonzalez James with reddish brown shoulder length hair wearing a black shirt covered with a floral jacket.
Elizabeth Gonzalez James

Good, Mike. A Plume | Volume 20 | 2024

Front profile of Henry Goldkamp with brown hair and moustache wearing clear rimmed glasses and an off-white turtleneck shirt and jacket and a chalk board in the background.
Henry Goldkamp
Front profile of Adam Graff with a close shaved beard wearing a dark colored beanie and rust colored jacket and barren trees in the background.
Adam Graff
Front profile of Janalyn Guo with long black hair and dark rimmed glasses wearing a long sleeve black shirt and a blue background.
Janalyn Guo
Front profile of Matt Hart with graying spiked hair wearing thick black rimmed glasses and bookshelves in the background.
Matt Hart
Front profile of L.A. Hawbaker sitting on a rust-colored chair with long brown hair with blonde highlights wearing a multicolored long sleeve shirt and black pants.
L.A. Hawbaker
Black and white front profile of Jonathan Bohr Heinen with dark hair wearing a suit and tie with a couch in the background.
Jonathan Bohr Heinen

Heston, Brian Patrick. DO NOT RESUSCITATE | Volume 20 | 2024

Front profile of Lily Hoang with black shoulder length hair wearing glasses and a green shirt covered with a gray suit jacket and a chalk board in the background.
Lily Hoang
Portrait of Ginnah Howard with short graying hair wearing a black long sleeve shirt and a gray background.
Ginnah Howard
Front profile of Alta Ifland sitting on a bench wearing a straw hat with long light brown hair and a white long sleeve blouse and trees in the background.
Alta Ifland
Front profile of Luisa A. Ingloria with black shoulder length hair wearing black rimmed glasses and a black suit jacket with a black background.
Luisa A. Ingloria
Front profile of Siobhan Jean-Charles with dark brown hair pulled up and a flowering tree in the background.
Siobhan Jean-Charles
Front profile of Luke Johnson with graying hair combed back wearing a gray t-shirt sitting in a vehicle.
Luke Johnson
Black and white front profile of Babitha Marina Justin wearing a Bindi on her forehead and a gemstone Nath in her nose.
Babitha Marina Justin
Portrait of Mubanga  Kalimamukwento with long black braided hair wearing a blue Zambian traditional dress and a blue background.
Mubanga Kalimamukwento

Kell, Charles. Atheist in A.A. | Volume 20 | 2024

Black and white front profile of Elia Anie Kim with dark hair pulled up and a dark shirt.
Elia Anie Kim

King, Dustin. Fortnite  with Squirrels | Volume 20 | 2024

Black and white side profile of Dean Kostos with dark hair and moustache and a light collared shirt.
Dean Kostos
Front profile of Ashley Kunsa smiling with light brown long hair and clear rimmed glasses wearing a black t-shirt and a tree in the background.
Ashley Kunsa
Front profile of Melissa Kwasney with gray shoulder length hair wearing a brown and white collared shirt and a black background.
Melissa Kwasney
Front profile of Sheree La Puma with curly light brown shoulder length hair wearing a black blouse and a black background.
Sheree La Puma
Front profile of Brandon Lewis with short hair wearing a multicolored sweater and a building in the background.
Brandon Lewis
Front profile of Alex Lemon bald headed wearing dark thick rimmed glasses and a collared checkered shirt with bookshelves in the background.
Alex Lemon

Lee, Evalyn. Because Writing Hurts Too Much | Volume 20 | 2024

Front profile of Matthew Lippman with short dark hair and dark rimmed glasses wearing a blue collared shirt and blue suit jacket with the blue sky as a background.
Matthew Lippman

Lemley, Tyler. I’ve Always Had a Thing for Older Men | Volume 20 | 2024

Front profile of Paul Lisicky wearing a black ball cap with graying short, trimmed beard wearing a collared checkered shirt.
Paul Lisicky
Side profile of Priscilla Long with shoulder length light brown curly hair and glasses wearing a black collared shirt.
Priscilla Long
Front profile of Luciana Lopez with curly black shoulder length hair wearing a gray shirt with trees as a background.
Luciana Lopez
Front profile of Lisa Elaine Low with short black hair wearing a black flowered jacket and foliage as a background.
Lisa Elaine Low
Portrait of Leigh Lucas smiling with long brunette hair wearing a light gray shirt.
Leigh Lucas
Front portrait of Nathaniel Mackey with graying dreadlock hair, goatee, clear glasses and wearing a black long sleeve shirt with a gray black background.
Nathaniel Mackey
Front portrait of Michael Martone with wavy long gray hair wearing a white collared shirt and a black and white checkered sweater and a gray background.
Michael Martone
Front profile of Clay Matthews with combed back brown hair and a graying short, trimmed beard wearing a blue collared shirt.
Clay Matthews
Front profile of Bronwyn Mauldin with light brown shoulder length hair, thin rimmed glasses wearing a black blouse with foliage in the background.
Bronwyn Mauldin

McKinstry, Melissa. Dear Body Turning | Volume 20 | 2024

Front profile of Shena McAuliffe with dark brown hair pulled up and thick black rimmed glasses wearing a blue blouse and foliage in the background.
Shena McAuliffe
Front profile of Erin L. McCoy with shoulder length dark hair parted to the side wearing a brown tank top and foliage in the background.
Erin L. McCoy

Moffatt, Hugh. A Park Bench | Volume 20 | 2024

Mohsen-Crellin, Jessica. A Brief Experience with Infertility as Told by My Mother, Laughing | Volume 20 | 2024

Front profile of Nils Michals with wavy combed back graying hair and dark rimmed glasses wearing a blue collared shirt and a black background.
Nils Michals
Front portrait of Melinda Moustakis with long dark brown hair wearing a red long sleeve shirt and a gray background.
Melinda Moustakis

Musić, Mirela. The Nature of Alaska | Volume 20 | 2024

Front profile of Jed Myers with graying hair and goatee wearing a brown leather cowboy shaped hat and blue jean jacket with rust colored wood siding in the background.
Jed Myers
Front profile of Gina Myers with short dark brown hair combed to the side wearing a black t-shirt revealing both arms with sleeve tattoos and a multicolored background.
Gina Myers
Front profile of Irene O`Garden with short gray hair and blue rimmed glasses wearing a red turtleneck sweater and a billboard in the background.
Irene O’Garden
Front portrait of Elinathan Ohiomoba with short black hair wearing a brown suit jacket and a gray background.
Elinathan Ohiomoba
Side profile of Alexis Orgera wearing a multicolored gray brimmed hat and gray and white striped turtleneck sweater.
Alexis Orgera

Patterson, Rachel Marie. Capital Health | Volume 20 | 2024

Front portrait of Sara Marie Ortiz with shoulder length black hair wearing a green dress with arms crossed and a blue gray background.
Sara Marie Ortiz
Front cover of the 2020 Tusculum Review with illustrated black and white speech ballons and objects inside them.
Perrott, Sage. 2020 Cover
Black and white side profile of D.A. Powell smiling with dark hair and dark thick rimmed glasses wearing a striped collared shirt.
D. A. Powell
Side profile of Rita Quillen with shoulder length blonde hair blowing in the wind wearing a purple scarf and dark colored sweater with a blurred background.
Rita Quillen
Black and white front profile of Nicholas Reading with wavy dark hair wearing a dark shirt and doors in the background.
Nicholas Reading
Illustration by William Retz for Priscilla Long`s essay "After Long Silence" in the 2021 Tusculum Review.
Retz, William. illustration of After Long Silence
Front profile of Eric Roy with long brown hair and beard wearing a collared checkered shirt.
Eric Roy
Black and white side profile of William Pitt Root with graying hair and beard wearing a light-colored collared shirt.
William Pitt Root

Roszak, Suzanne Manizza. Birth Rehearsals | Volume 20 | 2024

Front profile of F. Daniel Rzucznek wearing a ballcap, black rimmed glasses and a large beard.
F. Daniel Rzucznek
Front profile of Salamun Thomaz with receding gray hair wearing glasses and a collared checkered shirt and gray jacket.
Šalamun, Thomaž
Front profile of Nicholas Samaras with dark hair and beard wearing a tan turtleneck and a blue gray checkered jacket.
Nicholas Samaras
Dark shadowed front portrait of T.J. Sandella with dark hair and a dark checkered jacket.
T.J. Sandella

Shaheen, Glenn. Kneeling Before God, Man, Self | Volume 20 | 2024

Front profile of Penelope Scambly Schott smiling with short gray hair wearing a paisley scarf and a white sleeveless shirt.
Penelope Scambly Schott
Maureen Seaton
Glenn Shaheen
Zhanna Slor
Jamie L. Smith
Lynn Stegner
Meghan Sterling
Auður Styrkársdóttir
Julija Šukys
Mathias Svalina

Tierney, Orchid. the hysterical essay: poetry and the breakdown of form | Volume 20 | 2024

Eric Tanyavutti
Maya C. Thompson
Eric Trethewey
Anthony Turok
Ria Voros
Julie Marie Wade

Walser, John. Drunk in Rome | Volume 20 | 2024

Joshua Ware
Amanda Rachelle Warren
Laura Lee Washburn
Patricia Jabbeh Wesley
J.P. White
Angela Veronica Wong
Amy Wright

Wyss, Geoff. Victoria Miranda | Volume 20 | 2024

Maya Jewell Zeller