Contributors’ News: Fall 2009 & Winter 2010


KIM CHINQUEE’s (vol. 5/2009)  Pretty has just been released by White Pine Press.


Poet SUSAN LEWIS’s (vol. 4/2008) chapbook, Commodity Fetishism, has been released by Červená Barva Press. Lewis is the author of Animal Husbandry (Finishing Line Press, 2008). Her poetry and fiction have appeared in numerous print and online journals, including Atlanta Review, Berkeley Poetry Review, Cimarron Review, The New Orleans Review, Phoebe, Raritan, Seneca Review, So To Speak, Verse, and Verse Daily. Her collaborations with composer Jonathan Golove have been performed at such venues as the Kennedy Center and Carnegie’s Weill Hall.

MICHAEL FISCHER’s (vol. 6/2010) story, “Crybaby Lane,” will appear in Beloit Fiction Journal (due out in March 2010).

Since publishing with the Tusculum Review, MICHAEL HEMERY (vol. 5/2009) accepted the position as the nonfiction editor for Hunger Mountain and had essays published in Lumina, New Plains Review, Passages North, The Portland Review, Post Road Magazine, Redivider, and sub-TERRAIN. He’s currently working on a memoir and seeking a publisher for his first collection of essays. He’s also thrilled to announce that his wife, the poet Stacie Leatherman, is publishing her first collection of poems with Mayapple press in 2011.  For more updates on Hemery and his work, visit

MATTHEW LIPPMAN’s (Featured Artist) second poetry collection MONKEY BARS was published by Typecast Publishing in October, 2010.

SHELLIE ZACHARIA’s (vol. 3/2007) debut story collection, Now Playing, was published by Keyhole Press in November 2009.


FALL 2009

KRISTIN ABRAHAM (vol. 5/2009) reports that she’s “working on a manuscript of cowboy poems, titled “The Disappearing Cowboy Trick.”  Abraham can be reached at

Contributing Editor KIRSTEN BEACHY teaches “college writing, fiction writing, and journalism as an assistant professor at (Eastern Mennonite University), where I advise the student newspaper and arts journal. My most recent publication, a short story called “The Institute of Transcendence”, came out in 2.1 of Relief: A Quarterly Christian Expression . I’m variously and sporadically at work on a collection of essays about martyrs and chickens, a slow-moving novel about sisters and grandmothers, a speedy novel I think my mom would like, and a YA adventure story in the tradition of Lloyd Alexander. I continue to be distracted by critters and insects. This fall, I added a pair of Muscovy ducks to my menagerie and hope that Stanley and Stella will produce lots of fat little ducklings to butcher this spring. The honeybees are protecting their winter honey and must not be disturbed. Hear me talking politics with my cat here: Kirsten Talks to Her Cat.”  Look for Kirsten’s nonfiction essay “Selling the Farm” in the upcoming edition of Shenandoah.


Former TTR editor and current Advisory Board member RICHARD GREENFIELD has a new collection of poems out, Tracer, published by Omnidawn.

STACEY ISOM’s (vol. 5/2009) e-mail address is

REBECCA KANNER (vol. 6/2010) has an essay about her brother’s obsession with body-building since his return from Iraq in War Literature & The Arts.

MORGAN KELLEY (vol. 4/2008) reports that he’s “currently living with my parents, jobless, and working full-time on short stories in order to get more publications.  Additionally, I’m contemplating on whether or not to apply to M.F.A. programs.  Besides all that, I’ve recently gotten engaged to my long-standing girlfriend, Nikki.  We will be married come June at my parent’s house outside Gallatin, Tn.”  Morgan can be reached at

DEAN KOSTOS (vol. 5/2009) “recently had five poems included in an anthology called Stranger at Home, edited by Andrey Gritsman. It’s an anthology of poems by writers whose work is informed by having grown up with a language in addition to English. The contributors are Dutch, French, Chinese, Mexican, German, Russian, Italian, Romanian, and one Greek–me.”  Dean also recently edited an anthology called Pomegranate Seeds: An Anthology of Greek-American Poets.  Dean’s e-mail address is

SUSAN LEWIS’ (vol. 4/2008) chapbook Animal Husbandry was recently published by Finishing Line Press.  Susan Lewis’ chapbook Commodity Fetishism just won the Cervena Barva Chapbook Contest and will be published later this year.

DAWN LONSINGER’s (vol. 5/2009) second chapbook, The Nested Object, is now available from Dancing Girl Press.  New work is out in Columbia Poetry Review, Drunken Boat, The Laurel Review, Bombay Gin, Sonora Review, LIT and Phoebe. “I’m spending my summer swimming in water holes with waterfalls, eating carrots, and frequenting junk barns.”

MARK MAYER (vol. 4/2008) is currently “working in Richmond, CA with a non-profit education program, teaching individualized reading and writing classes to high school students. I’m in the process of applying to MFA programs.”  He can be reached at


TALIA REED (vol. 3/2007) has a new chapbook out, This Admirable Miry Clay, with Dancing Girl Press, due out in May.

ETHEL MORGAN SMITH (vol. 3/2007) reports that her nonfiction book From Whence Cometh My Help: The African American Community at Hollins College (University of Missouri Press) is the basis of a new media project, sponsored through a National Science Foundation grant.  The project provides an online imaging event that explores the ethics of new media interfaces through the emplacement of history and narrative.  The project will be presented at Duke University by Professor Jennifer Boyle of Hollins University and members of Virginia Tech’s Center for Human-Computer Interaction.  Also, Smith’s “Outside of Dreams” will appear in Reshaping Memories (University of Mississippi Press), edited by Joanne V. Gabbin and due out Spring 2009.  Smith can be reached at

JULIE WADE’s first book of lyric nonfiction, Wishbone: A Memoir in Fractures, won the 2009 Colgate University Press Nonfiction Book Award and is forthcoming in 2010.  Her poetry chapbook, Without, was chosen as part of the 2009 New Women’s Voices Chapbook series and is forthcoming in 2010 from Finishing Line Press.  Finally—as if that wasn’t enough!—her second book of lyric nonfiction, In Lieu of Flowers, was selected for the Linda Bruckheimer Series in Kentucky Literature by Sarabande Books and is forthcoming in 2011.